ANMP courses

Beginner dive* ................. 70 €
1 dive
*10€ of supplement for Cousteau
4 dives- 2 half-days ................. 270 €
This qualification gives you access to supervised dives to a maximum depth of 12 meters. You'll learn basic shallow diving techniques.
+ 10 years
Niveau 1 * ................. 350 €
6 dives -3 half-days
You will learn to control your ventilation, manage your diving equipment and stabilize yourself underwater. You will then be able to move safely in the median space from 0 to 20m.
+ 12 years
Niveau 2 * ................. 600 €
10 dives - 5 half-days
If you're looking for greater autonomy and safety, Level 2 will enable you to dive up to 20m on your own, or 40m with a buddy.
+ 16 years (however, the prerogatives of autonomy (PA20) are not acquired until the age of 18.)
Niveau 3 * ................. 695 €
12 dives - 6 half-days
You'll develop your autonomy skills in deep diving to 60m, learn to plan your dive and assist other divers in difficulty. This level requires a first aid diploma, the RIFAP.
+ 18 years
*Certification cost .................. 25 €
Niveau 4 : Please contact us
RIFAP : .................... 155 €
* All training requires a medical certificate .
All equipment included.